Mafia Wars from a Player's Perspective

Mafia Wars from a Player's Perspective

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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Rob In Pink Robbing Spree Season 8 2/24

Don't forget, this is now *energy* based! Beg for consumable (Be-Leaver) from this banner.

Be sure to send out a lot of Be-Leavers

I always try to have 100 of these before I begin a robbing spree. I like to use the peek feature on every rob and that uses a lot of these consumables.
How it works:

Earn up to 50 Be-Leavers per day: 20 from requests, 20 from feeds, 5 from clicking on feeds and 5 from jobs. As usual, Zynga over-explaining, making it more confusing than it needs to be.

The hot loot: 
Cover Up, armor [varies]
Flying Fish, animal [varies]
Heat Wave, weapon [varies]

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